Health'n'Smile Dental
55C Eton Street
Sutherland, NSW 02 9545 2838
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TRU-LINE Invisible Orthodontic Sytem
The TRU-LINE Invisible Orthodontic System is the exciting new way to straighten your teeth without conventional braces.
The TRU-LINE Invisible Orthodontic System uses a series of unique custom fabricated transparent plastic aligners to gently move your teeth to their ideal position.
Unlike other methods only TRU-LINE has the option of also using our proven custom fabicated Auxiliary appliances for better and faster results!
Everyone Wants a Beautiful Smile.
Now with the TRU-LINE INVISIBLE ORTHODONTIC SYSTEM you can have the smile you have always wanted and the TRU-LINE Invisible Orthodontic System is the most versatile alternative available today.
The convenience and ease of use of the TRU-LINE Invisible Orthodontic System makes it the ideal choice as there are no wires, metal or ceramic brackets or metal bands to irritate your mouth. Most people wont notice youre in treatment and best of all its very affordable.
No other system has the versatility of the TRU-LINE INVISIBLE ORTHODONTIC SYSTEM
Starting TRU-LINE is very easy.
First visit Health n Smile Dental, we will perform a thorough evaluation of your dental needs and diagnose your orthodontic condition and determine if TRU-LINE is the treatment best for you.
The next step in fitting your custom TRU-LINE appliances is taking detailed impressions of your teeth.
After 2-3 weeks you will return to Health n Smile Dental to have your first appliances fitted.
On first placment of TRU-LINE Aligners in your mouth, you will note that they may be tight and dont quite seem to fit. However, as teeth are straightened you will see the fit gradually improve until TRU-LINE aligners actually begin to feel somewhat loose.
This process goes on, essentially, at six-week intervals throughout the course of treatment. Soreness to biting can be experienced in the days immediately following each change of your custom TRU-LINE Aligner.
Until treatment is concluded and the teeth have been optimally straightened you will be visiting Health n Smile Dental about every six weeks for monitoring so that we can further tailor the fit in case any additional adjustments are warranted.
Like to get started or find out more?
Contact Health n Smile Dental on 9545 2838 today to make an appointment.
Below are videos demonstrating the method used and how exciting it can be to achieve brilliant results.
To access more information about the TRU-LINE Invisible Orthodontic System contact Health n Smile Dental on 9545 2838 or go to TRU-LINE's own website